When you procrastinate, a Monkey appears and starts hanging around.

It might be fun having him there at first, but after a while he starts getting on your nerve...

Especially if he's hungry or has another Monkey or two with him.

They start humping and sooner or later more Monkeys show up, and there you are in a chaotic jungle full of monkeys eating you out of house and home.

Welcome to the Monkey Massacre Blog, where you might find a thing or two that would help you start kicking some monkey ass!

Tell me what you think and click follow on the right panel (would appreciate the feedback)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hide Your Peanuts

A lot of professionals label working in the Middle East as maneuvering in a Chaotically Organized environment.

I don't blame them with the types of unprofessional people working around here and what they got used to.

These types of people can also be found in other regions of the world, but they do have a higher density here.

Although we do have a percentage of the work force that knows what they are doing, and they actually do it with inspiring grace and efficiency, we still have people that like keeping monkeys around, till they become "Apes" themselves.

The Apes vary in form, color, size, and behavior.

They tend to be curious at times or want to have fun. 
So they explore and interact with other beings.

And with their own welfare and pleasure as a top priority, they don't care if they pester others.

Once hungry, they fill their bellies with whatever satisfies that need. And when they lose interest, they become lazy, and start snoozing whenever and wherever they can. 

I wish that the following quote by Jay Leno applies in most offices:

Researchers at Harvard say that taking a power nap for an hour in the afternoon can totally refresh you.  They say that by the time you wake up you'll feel so good; you'll be able to start looking for a new job.  ~Jay Leno

And I bet that you might have already worked or interacted with such "Apes" throughout your days.

If not, you will most probably cross paths with them. 

So how should you deal with them? 

Well, if you have a plate of Peanuts or Bananas out on your desk ( as in you keep welcoming whoever comes into your office or stops by your cubical to gossip and Jibba Jabba ) expect more monkeys to start hanging around, and sooner or later, you also become an "Ape" or will be labeled as one.

My solution is don't have the plate out in the open.

Here are some of the tricks I apply,
And they are effective most of the times:

·       Take out the extra seats in your office or keep them far from your cubical (use the meeting room if you are having a business related or private meeting - that's what these rooms are there for)

·       Allow who you wouldn't bug you to walk through your door, if you are busy, keep your door a bit shut or closed if needed...you choose who comes in and doesn't

·       Always make work your priority, they don't pay your salary

·       If they do pay your salary, they will appreciate it when you keep your job on top of the priority list

·       Building Rapport is an important skill you have to master, and breaking Rapport is even more important (example: show that you are busy by taking away eye contact, or use your body language by moving from facing  your visitor to having him to your side)

·       If you are faced with a persistent Ape, a more direct approach would be effective (ask them kindly if you can talk later preferably after work)

·       If that doesn't work, resort to drastic measures (no don't take out your Chainsaw, keep that for later); just tell them in a firm tonality that you have work to do and don't like distractions, so buzz off.
I'm not saying be an asshole! Although you might have to be when considering the ones that just can't get a hint.

The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.  ~Arnold Toynbee

I just love that quote...to me, it means you can be really good at something you enjoy doing.

Another meaning is that you can actually work and have fun at the same time.

Just manage the level between both of them by focusing on what you need to finish and have a dose of fun from time to time.

It's OK to "Monkey Around" for a bit, but don't make it as a habit.
It is just something you do so you won't have a nervous breakdown from focusing so much. 

Go to an Ape and continue the chat you were having with him, or if you don't want to bother others, just get an "Internet Fix"; surf the net for some news, or maybe just a small dose of Facebook.

At the end, your plate of Peanuts is yours to enjoy and share if you want to or not, so hide it and only take it out when you feel like it.